Sunday, January 30, 2011

Affections on the world or on heaven? Quotation from John Newton (1725-1807)

Affections on the world or on heaven?  Quotation from John Newton (1725-1807)

"By these things, likewise, they are made more willing to leave the present world, to which we are prone to cleave too closely in our hearts when our path is very smooth.  Had Israel enjoyed thier former peace and prosperity in Egypt, when Moses came to invite them to  Canaan, I think they would hardly have listened to him.  But the Lord  suffered them to be brought into great trouble and bondage, and then the news of deliverance was more welcome, yet still they were but half  willing, and they carried a love to the flesh-pots of Egypt with them into the wilderness."

      "We are like them:  though we say this world is  vain and sinful, we are too fond of it; and though we hope for true happiness only in Heaven, we are often well content to stay longer here.  But the Lord sends afflictions one after another to quicken our  desires, and to convince us that this cannot be our rest.  Sometimes if you drive a bird form one branch of a tree he will hop to another a  little higher, and from thence to a third; but if you continue to  disturb him, he will at last take wing, and fly quite away.  Thus we,  when forced from one creature comfort, perch upon another, and so on;"   

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